
  • C12、C13、C14、C20、C21、C24、C28、C30、C31、C33、C38、C62、C6T、C67、C68、C63、C41、C42、C43、C44、C45、C51、C52、C53、C54
  • 1. Our ultracapacitors are capable of being used as both EV and HEV motor controllers.
  • 2. Our supercapacitors in electric vehicles provide a charging power supply or charging pile.

Din Electronics provides supercapacitors in cars. Our ultracapacitors are compatible with the major hybrid and electric vehicles on the market. Our supercapacitors in electric vehicles feature a compact design and high energy density, making them able to provide DC link filtering in EV and HEV motor controllers.

When you need projects, we have it covered.

C24 Metallized Polyprppylene Film Capacitors

C42 DC-Link Capacitors

C51 Snubber Capacitors

C52 GTO Axial Absorbing Capacitors

C54 Snubber Capacitors

C62 X2 Safety Capacitors